Your Favorite Russian Teacher

Private lessons 1-1

The only Teacher with incredible students' results

Students got fluent with me
6 years
Of teaching experience
Bachelor's in teaching foreign languages
Why my students love me
Spoke like a native when I visited Russia!
I was able to communicate in Russian at shops and restaurants during my visit to Russia - it was truly amazing! Love the cultural mini lessons with Maks, as well as the help with pronunciation!
Tom, Australia
Finally - Family Reunion!
Before joining the Maks's lessons, I tried learning with others, but it didn't teach me any system. However, learning with Maks helped me a lot, I now can easily talk to my Russian side of the family!
Zoe, USA
Bye-bye Duolingo!
I started learning Russian as a hobby, so I tried many other courses and resources (Duolingo at first), and I was very confused - Russian seemed too difficult! Turns out, learning Russian can be easy and fun!
Jake, USA
The Real Teacher!
I'm a teacher myself (I teach Italian and French), and I wanted to explore the world by learning Russian. Learning Russian with Maks is truly effective, I wish we had more teachers like him!
David, Italy
Unlike others!
At first, I was thinking about going to a university and checked other courses, but the prices were insane! Not only Maks has teached me how to speak, but also how to understand Russian culture.
Olyn, USA
Private lessons
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For all levels
Customizable lessons
1 lesson = 55 minutes
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Let's go!
With THE certified teacher
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5 lessons
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Yes, you can! I work with all levels and have different programs and approaches for everybody.