Your Favorite Russian Teacher

Russian BootCamp

The only Teacher with incredible students' results

Students got fluent with me
6 years
Of teaching experience
Bachelor's in teaching foreign languages
This is how you will speak in 7 days from zero
Is this for you?
Always wanted to learn Russian Culture? With this course, you will discover lots of cultural differences!

Russian culture


Family reunion

Do you want to finally speak Russian to your Russian-speaking family members? This is the perfect place to learn how to do so!

Dating Russians

Looking for a Russian date? Image your success rate if only you could surpise others with you speaking perfect Russian!
I garantee I offer the most affordable online courses, no need for words, just compare and see!
Affordable and Value
Learning Russian as a hobby?
I got you! This program is stress-free and only you decide when to learn!
For fun / hobby
Why my students love me
Spoke like a native when I visited Russia!
I was able to communicate in Russian at shops and restaurants during my visit to Russia - it was truly amazing! Love the cultural mini lessons inside the course, as well as the pronunciation course!
Tom, Australia
Finally - Family Reunion!
Before joining the BootCamp, I tried learning with others, but it didn't teach me any system. However, learning with Maks helped me a lot, I now can easily talk to my Russian side of the family!
Zoe, USA
Bye-bye Duolingo!
I started learning Russian as a hobby, so I tried many other courses and resources (Duolingo at first), and I was very confused - Russian seemed too difficult! Turns out, learning Russian can be easy and fun!
Jake, USA
Unlike other teachers...
I'm a teacher myself (I teach Italian and French), and I wanted to explore the world by learning Russian. Learning Russian with Maks is truly effective, I wish we had more teachers like him!
David, Italy
I have a Russian wife now!
At first, I was thinking about going to a university and checked other courses, but the prices were insane! Not only Maks has teached me how to speak, but also how to understand Russian culture.
Olyn, USA
Russian BootCamp Course
only $349
From Zero to Fluency
+ 5 Live Zoom lessons
Pronunciation course
Personal feedback
One payment
Access 24/7
Want a closer look? Book a Free Consultation!
only $209
From Zero to Fluency
NO Live Zoom lessons
Pronunciation course
Personal feedback
One payment
Access 24/7
Course + 5 live classes
Course and NO live classes
The Program leads you to Fluency in 4 Steps
You learn new vocabulary and practise it with exercises and different techniques.

That way you don't need to spend hours "memorizing" new words - you will learn and memorize them by practising in a fun way!
You learn new grammar BASED on the vocabulary that you've learned on the Step 1.

That way new grammar is much easier to percept, comprehend and understand.

Then, you connect the grammar with the vocabulary by completing fun exercises!
You get personalized Feedback from certified teacher Maks.
You get personalized Feedback from certified teacher Maks.
This is where you're supposed to make mistakes and lose your fear of making mistakes when speaking.
You practise grammar and vocabulary in:

  • Reading
  • Listening
  • Writing
  • Speaking
You get personalized Feedback from certified teacher Maks.
You practise speaking on live lessons!

You become Fluent!